Reading Analysis #5 The Role Models of Women of Colour

These articles resonated inside me while I was reading them. I’m not sure where I stand with this subject. The aspect of black women’s portrayal in media is a tricky situation because, if we look back at one of the first readings, who are we, as outsiders, to decide what is right or wrong for people? Are black women empowered in the media as they are the ones portrayed as the ‘video vixens’ in all the videos? Or is their portrayal sexist and demeaning as they dance to misogynistic lyrics? hooks mentions, “Violence does not create positive change.” So do the black women who are at the helm ( such as Beyonce, Rihanna, etc) stand for feminism with their violent lyrics against men or is it empowering for the women out there? Or do their lyrics and actions in their music videos undermine all what stands for gender equality?

As I raise more questions to mull over, I honestly feel like I am not as sure as when I started.

hooks mentions that women committing violence ‘is no more liberatory than male violence’ and I believe that rings true. Women destroying cars as in Lemonade isn’t a positive representation for feminism, in fact, I believe it regresses it. Violence is not the answer and no one should be doing it, and we as people should strive to stop violence as a whole instead of letting it happen on one side and not the other. However, I understand that it is an issue that’s been around for longer than many of us have been alive so it is easier said than done.

I believe the main theme for the readings is the black female population is in need of more positive role models that promote self-love and self-esteem, building confidence and motivation women of all colours and creeds to love oneself and fight the patriarchy while refusing to be the victim. Although it looks simple and mushy on paper, there is a lot more to it but that’s what I believe to be the main theme.

As a daughter to a woman of colour, I have been very privileged to grow up in a middle class, upper socioeconomic culture where my race doesn’t affect my day to day life. Being raised by a single working parent did separate me from my peers who came from nuclear families of white middle class though so I knew I was different but not by much. I am very lucky to have a person like my mother who taught me the motivation to never give up and to not be the victim of one’s background.  She has always and will always be my role model.


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